Casual Tech

Is Google Reader Trying To Do Too Much?

Posted on: May 6, 2008

The question comes to me at the time that Google introduces a new feature for its Google reader that lets add notes to your shared items and basically share anything else you want in the process. But isn’t that what Digg, Twitter and FriendFeed are here for?  The only difference here is that you can do it directly from the reader adding yet another layer of things that can distract you during what should be a simple experience of reading.

We all like to share the stuff  with friends and such but there are already sites for that, so is Google move basically just trying to stop FriendFeed growth has the ultimate place to share stuff?-  the other thing people don’t like is that the “note” feature is completely disconnected from any other discussion site right now- so that means yet another separate place where a different conversation is going to be occurring. Unless they find a way to connect the comments you make on GReader to the ones on FriendFeed or Twitter people don’t need another site to constantly refresh just to see what people are saying.

RSS readers should do just what their meat too, remember too many things just may  be what’s preventing RSS from going mainstream. People like clean and simple experiences, too many features just distract and confuse the casual user leaving them with a bad experience in mind.

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CasualTech is about...Well the name gives it all away, this place is about the casual writings about technology by the author- Gadiel Rivera. You can follow me at or at FriendFeed.